Skeeter and Noisy, lost in the setting sun. | 8/24/21 Mile 1,077.2 5,011' Olympic Mountains, Washington
 Hog Mamma, temporarily marooned by the incoming tide. | 8/31/21 Mile 1,213.2 0' Olympic Coast, Washington
 Blankie stretches out in the fading warmth of yet another excellent day in the mountains. | 8/4/21 Mile 700.3 6,520' Pasayten Wilderness, Washington
 Noisy muches on her usual nasty taco soup concoction. | 8/30/21 Mile 1,206.4 0' Olympic Coast, Washington
 Blankie and I did some tub laundry to avoid the unnecessary cost of the laundromat next door. | 7/8/21 Mile 133.5 2,676' Eureka, Montana
 Blankie, never one to take a candid photo. Here he takes a break up Stoney Indian Pass. | 7/2/21 Mile 15.2 5,675' Glacier National Park, Montana
 Boundary Trail 533 was the primary route through the Pasayten on the PNT. It was unrelenting with its alpine meadows and crumbly peaks, and better yet, it was nearly smoke free! | 8/2/21 Mile 658.6 6,650' Pasayten Wilderness, Washington
 Blankie scrambles up a rock covered in deadfall on a bushwhack I devised to avoid a 1,200' pointless up down. As Blankie said, "that's a nice boulder".| 7/29/21 Mile 555.6 5,804' Okanogan Highlands, Washington
 Thick smoke rolled in out of nowhere overnight, terrible in every way other than what it did to the light. | 8/12/21 Mile 822.1 1,256' North Cascades, Washington
 Blankie takes advantage of his extra-wide sleeping pad and goes for a float on Lake Bonaparte. Less than a week later, a fire burned most of the circumference of the lake and surrounding mountains. | 7/28/21 Mile 549.7 3,551' Okanogan Highlands, Was
 The US/Canada border swath. On the Mexican border they put up a wall to keep people out, but the Candians are so nice they make it even easier for you to cross! | 7/8/21 Mile 122.1 5,510' Rocky Mountains, Montana
 Nooch holds on for dear life during a hitch up to the next forest road on route. | 7/19/21  Mile 355.0 2,059' Selkirk Mountains, Washington
 Hog Mamma climbs a rope step ladder up to camp after a midnight tidal crossing. | Mile 1,208.0 157' Olympic Coast, Washington
 Blankie inflates his sleeping pad at the "Deer Creek Forest Camp". We were expecting something a bit greener, but of course it all burned down a few years back. | 7/22/21 Mile 444.7 4,602' Kettle River Range, Washington
 Blankie enjoys the gentle grade of Forest Service Road 600 after a steep and thick bushwhack down the shoulder of Edds Mountain. | 7/25/21 Mile 485.8 4,025' Kettle River Range, Washington
 Skeeter and Lucas apprehensively  wait to turn on to Highway 20, the most highly trafficked portion of our bike route alternate. The PNT primary walks mostly roads for 80 miles from Bellingham to the Coupeville ferry, which sounded awful. So we just
 Skeeter keeps a keen eye out for Port Townsend. | 8/20/21 Mile 1014.2 0' Puget Sound, Washington
 Hikers raid the Marblemount gas station in the rain. | 8/6/21 Mile 746.4 1,698' Marblemount, Washington
 Even though Blankie was only able to make it for half the hike, he was an excellent companion and I'm so glad he was able to come play in the mountains for the summer. | 9/2/21 Mile 1,246.2 0' Olympic Coast, Washington
 Skeeter and Noisy, lost in the setting sun. | 8/24/21 Mile 1,077.2 5,011' Olympic Mountains, Washington
Skeeter and Noisy, lost in the setting sun. | 8/24/21 Mile 1,077.2 5,011' Olympic Mountains, Washington
 Hog Mamma, temporarily marooned by the incoming tide. | 8/31/21 Mile 1,213.2 0' Olympic Coast, Washington
Hog Mamma, temporarily marooned by the incoming tide. | 8/31/21 Mile 1,213.2 0' Olympic Coast, Washington
 Blankie stretches out in the fading warmth of yet another excellent day in the mountains. | 8/4/21 Mile 700.3 6,520' Pasayten Wilderness, Washington
Blankie stretches out in the fading warmth of yet another excellent day in the mountains. | 8/4/21 Mile 700.3 6,520' Pasayten Wilderness, Washington
 Noisy muches on her usual nasty taco soup concoction. | 8/30/21 Mile 1,206.4 0' Olympic Coast, Washington
Noisy muches on her usual nasty taco soup concoction. | 8/30/21 Mile 1,206.4 0' Olympic Coast, Washington
 Blankie and I did some tub laundry to avoid the unnecessary cost of the laundromat next door. | 7/8/21 Mile 133.5 2,676' Eureka, Montana
Blankie and I did some tub laundry to avoid the unnecessary cost of the laundromat next door. | 7/8/21 Mile 133.5 2,676' Eureka, Montana
 Blankie, never one to take a candid photo. Here he takes a break up Stoney Indian Pass. | 7/2/21 Mile 15.2 5,675' Glacier National Park, Montana
Blankie, never one to take a candid photo. Here he takes a break up Stoney Indian Pass. | 7/2/21 Mile 15.2 5,675' Glacier National Park, Montana
 Boundary Trail 533 was the primary route through the Pasayten on the PNT. It was unrelenting with its alpine meadows and crumbly peaks, and better yet, it was nearly smoke free! | 8/2/21 Mile 658.6 6,650' Pasayten Wilderness, Washington
Boundary Trail 533 was the primary route through the Pasayten on the PNT. It was unrelenting with its alpine meadows and crumbly peaks, and better yet, it was nearly smoke free! | 8/2/21 Mile 658.6 6,650' Pasayten Wilderness, Washington
 Blankie scrambles up a rock covered in deadfall on a bushwhack I devised to avoid a 1,200' pointless up down. As Blankie said, "that's a nice boulder".| 7/29/21 Mile 555.6 5,804' Okanogan Highlands, Washington
Blankie scrambles up a rock covered in deadfall on a bushwhack I devised to avoid a 1,200' pointless up down. As Blankie said, "that's a nice boulder".| 7/29/21 Mile 555.6 5,804' Okanogan Highlands, Washington
 Thick smoke rolled in out of nowhere overnight, terrible in every way other than what it did to the light. | 8/12/21 Mile 822.1 1,256' North Cascades, Washington
Thick smoke rolled in out of nowhere overnight, terrible in every way other than what it did to the light. | 8/12/21 Mile 822.1 1,256' North Cascades, Washington
 Blankie takes advantage of his extra-wide sleeping pad and goes for a float on Lake Bonaparte. Less than a week later, a fire burned most of the circumference of the lake and surrounding mountains. | 7/28/21 Mile 549.7 3,551' Okanogan Highlands, Was
Blankie takes advantage of his extra-wide sleeping pad and goes for a float on Lake Bonaparte. Less than a week later, a fire burned most of the circumference of the lake and surrounding mountains. | 7/28/21 Mile 549.7 3,551' Okanogan Highlands, Washington
 The US/Canada border swath. On the Mexican border they put up a wall to keep people out, but the Candians are so nice they make it even easier for you to cross! | 7/8/21 Mile 122.1 5,510' Rocky Mountains, Montana
The US/Canada border swath. On the Mexican border they put up a wall to keep people out, but the Candians are so nice they make it even easier for you to cross! | 7/8/21 Mile 122.1 5,510' Rocky Mountains, Montana
 Nooch holds on for dear life during a hitch up to the next forest road on route. | 7/19/21  Mile 355.0 2,059' Selkirk Mountains, Washington
Nooch holds on for dear life during a hitch up to the next forest road on route. | 7/19/21 Mile 355.0 2,059' Selkirk Mountains, Washington
 Hog Mamma climbs a rope step ladder up to camp after a midnight tidal crossing. | Mile 1,208.0 157' Olympic Coast, Washington
Hog Mamma climbs a rope step ladder up to camp after a midnight tidal crossing. | Mile 1,208.0 157' Olympic Coast, Washington
 Blankie inflates his sleeping pad at the "Deer Creek Forest Camp". We were expecting something a bit greener, but of course it all burned down a few years back. | 7/22/21 Mile 444.7 4,602' Kettle River Range, Washington
Blankie inflates his sleeping pad at the "Deer Creek Forest Camp". We were expecting something a bit greener, but of course it all burned down a few years back. | 7/22/21 Mile 444.7 4,602' Kettle River Range, Washington
 Blankie enjoys the gentle grade of Forest Service Road 600 after a steep and thick bushwhack down the shoulder of Edds Mountain. | 7/25/21 Mile 485.8 4,025' Kettle River Range, Washington
Blankie enjoys the gentle grade of Forest Service Road 600 after a steep and thick bushwhack down the shoulder of Edds Mountain. | 7/25/21 Mile 485.8 4,025' Kettle River Range, Washington
 Skeeter and Lucas apprehensively  wait to turn on to Highway 20, the most highly trafficked portion of our bike route alternate. The PNT primary walks mostly roads for 80 miles from Bellingham to the Coupeville ferry, which sounded awful. So we just
Skeeter and Lucas apprehensively wait to turn on to Highway 20, the most highly trafficked portion of our bike route alternate. The PNT primary walks mostly roads for 80 miles from Bellingham to the Coupeville ferry, which sounded awful. So we just biked instead. Thanks to Lucas for wrangling up bikes and pedaling with us! | 8/20/21 Mile 957.0 4' Puget Sound, Washington
 Skeeter keeps a keen eye out for Port Townsend. | 8/20/21 Mile 1014.2 0' Puget Sound, Washington
Skeeter keeps a keen eye out for Port Townsend. | 8/20/21 Mile 1014.2 0' Puget Sound, Washington
 Hikers raid the Marblemount gas station in the rain. | 8/6/21 Mile 746.4 1,698' Marblemount, Washington
Hikers raid the Marblemount gas station in the rain. | 8/6/21 Mile 746.4 1,698' Marblemount, Washington
 Even though Blankie was only able to make it for half the hike, he was an excellent companion and I'm so glad he was able to come play in the mountains for the summer. | 9/2/21 Mile 1,246.2 0' Olympic Coast, Washington
Even though Blankie was only able to make it for half the hike, he was an excellent companion and I'm so glad he was able to come play in the mountains for the summer. | 9/2/21 Mile 1,246.2 0' Olympic Coast, Washington
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