Fall 2020
Man, this season really got away from me. After returning from the Grand Sierra Traverse, it quickly became time to harvest and trim at the Moonshadow CBD farm. We were so busy I didn’t capture many images of the process, but we did end up with 120+ pounds of trimmed flower and 750 pounds of biomass, so I'll call it a net win! Partway through, I managed to slip away to Santa Cruz for my first extended trip down the California coast, where Sierra was an excellent tour guide. I still prefer the mountains, but the water isn’t half bad! I was also able to get out on a few overnight hikes, including a long awaited trip to the Ruby Mountains of Nevada as well as a bushwhack in Tahoe to some alpine lakes where I crossed paths with a bear, yellowjackets, a mountain lion and some deer (luckily, not simultaneously).
As harvest was wrapping up, I was getting antsy from being at the farm for so long. To remedy this, I started aimlessly driving north and ended up with a couple of pals on the Oregon coast for halloween night, spent around a very welcome fire. Being at the farm the majority of the year made it incredibly easy to avoid people and make intelligent Covid decisions, but now that I’m in Tahoe for the winter working exclusively with tourists it’s going to be a whole different ballgame. Hopefully people do their part to protect their neighbors around the holidays and just maybe, the ski resorts will stay open. As always, I’m incredibly lucky to be happy and healthy. Bring on the snow!